Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring Home Maintenance

March is quickly approaching and with it - spring!

Once the chill is out of the air it's time to get back up and outside for some home maintenance.

Here are some items for your list of must-do spring sprucing.

  • Change your air filters - do this monthly for best use
  • Check for leaky faucets and clogged drains
  • Look for signs of pests and take preventative measures before it gets too warm
  • Refresh outdoor furniture
  • Repair or replace window screens
  • Declutter
What are we missing? What will you do to freshen your home for spring?

Friday, February 15, 2013

See us at the Home Show!

 The 47th Annual Carolina Classic Home and Garden Show will be here March 8-10th at the State Fairgrounds and Paradime is excited to be participating again in this great event!

This year the show features over 300 exhibitors in home building, home improvement, gardening and landscaping.  The show includes free educational seminars, a Senior Expo on Friday and special guest Jenny Martin from Southern Savers.

Southern Savers is a couponing blog that has received national attention. Founder Jenny Martin will present three seminars on how to save money through coupons.

For more information on the show visit

Friday, February 8, 2013

Home Prices On the Rise!

The map above shows the change in house prices by state from the past four quarters. The latest map was released at the end of the 3rd Quarter 2012.  What you'll find is that home prices in South Carolina are increasing.  This is great news for home owners and good motivation for potential buyers to act now before prices go even higher!

The housing recovery is vital to our country's economic rebound and we are excited to see some good news on the state of the housing market in our area.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Game Time!

We're down to the wire now with only two more days until the Super Bowl.

Whether you've been planning your get-together for weeks or just decided to invite over some friends, here are some tips to make your party a hit!

1. Plan for your guests:  Some will be there for the game, some for the commercials, and some for the chance to catch up with friends.  Have an area with seating available for those not interested in watching the game. This will make the talkers comfortable and keep the serious game watchers from getting upset.

2. Keep the food simple and portable. You'll want to have finger foods that can easily be eaten while sitting on the couch cheering on your favorite team.  Make plenty of space on coffee and end tables with coasters and napkins readily available.

3. Enjoy your own party. The Super Bowl is not a formal event. Keep your decorations low-key, the food easy, and the mood light. Ask friends to bring a dish or beverages. Don't get trapped in the kitchen!